All posts tagged: WELLNESS

The Best Events in Fitness and Sports This November

The Dandelion Chandelier Luxury Calendar for Fitness and Sports highlights the most notable marathons, cycling races, tennis matches, Thoroughbred horse races, and professional sports events around the world in November 2018. For the rest of the Luxury Calendar, click here. And for weekly updates on what you need to know to join the conversation about sports, read TWIST: This Week in Sports Talk. 

richard serra sculpture sequence SF MoMA

the luxury of being lost in a Richard Serra sculpture

There’s real power in walking in circles. If you have any doubt, walk a labyrinth. Or do as we did, and head to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMoMA) and walk the Richard Serra sculpture, Sequence (on view until January 9, 2019). Its part of the free public access area of the museum, so this is another one of life’s great free luxuries. We promise, you’ll be moved.

The Best Events in Fitness & Sports This October

The Dandelion Chandelier Luxury Calendar for Fitness and Sports highlights the most notable marathons, cycling races, tennis matches, Thoroughbred horse races, and professional sports events around the world in October 2018. For the rest of the Luxury Calendar, click here. And for weekly updates on what you need to know to join the conversation about sports, read TWIST: This Week in Sports Talk. 

How to get the best night’s sleep money can buy

Sleep is a terribly scarce resource: people crave it, obsess about it, brag about how much they’re getting, keep running numerical tallies of their experiences, quietly seek instruction on how to get better at it, and secretly cannot manage to get enough of it to satisfy themselves. The number of nightly hours of sleep one can achieve has become a “thing,” and a good night’s sleep has become a luxury item, to be lusted after and fetishized.

what are the best luxury bed linens and sheets?

To sleep, perchance to dream . . . But how? Getting a sufficient amount of sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle that can benefit our hearts, weight, minds and more. But according to the Centers for Disease Control, one in three adults don’t get sufficient shut eye. Our sleep series is exploring all the ways in which you can maximize your chances for a sound, refreshing night’s zzz’s. We’ve looked at mattresses, and pajamas. But what about sheets? Do they matter in this quest?