All posts tagged: WELLNESS

what are the best hangover cures that actually work?

There are still a few things in life that you cannot buy your way out of. One of them is a hangover. Even the most disciplined among us occasionally drink just a wee bit too much from time to time. Like say, on New Year’s Eve. Which triggers a search for an effective hangover cure the next day. Just to dream a little dream, we went in search of the ultimate remedies for a hangover. If money were no object, what’s the best hangover cure in the world that actually works?

why do people love to ski and snowboard?

Why Do People Love to Ski and Snowboard?

With the official start of winter nearly here, and ski resorts all over the world opening for the season, this seems like a great moment to address a profound question in the sphere of winter wellness: why do people love to ski and snowboard? Said another way, why would anyone in their right mind voluntarily choose to don clunky heavy boots, several layers of clothing, a helmet, face mask  and googles, and then strap two sticks or an over-sized skate board to their feet and hurl themselves headlong down a mountain? Unless they were being pursued by a bear, or the Huns, or creating a YouTube video, really, what’s the point? Dear reader, we’re glad you asked. In our view, here are the top reasons that people love to ski and snowboard.

The Best Events in Fitness and Sports This December

The Dandelion Chandelier Calendar for Fitness and Sports highlights the most notable marathons, cycling races, tennis matches, Thoroughbred horse races, and professional sports events around the world. It’s our top picks for the best events in fitness and sports this December. For the rest of the Luxury Calendar, click here. And for weekly updates on what you need to know about sports, read TWIST: This Week in Sports Talk. 

could keeping a journal make you more successful?

Meditation. Yoga. Exercise. All of these are ways in which people try to achieve a state of mind that is calm, focused and productive without the use of prescription medications. If they’re effective, in theory at least, they should lead to greater success at work. And greater overall happiness in life.  Now comes word that keeping a daily written journal (or diary) could have the same effect.