All posts tagged: WELLNESS

the best beautiful comfort baking or procrastibaking cookbooks

Get Comfort Baking with One of These Beautiful Cookbooks

Procrastibaking, comfort baking, distractibaking, even rage baking – sometimes the best way to deal with strong emotion is to get into the kitchen and reach for the mixing bowl and the cookbooks. With anxieties at an all-time high thanks to COVID-19, enforced coronavirus captivity is the perfect moment to get comfort baking with a beautiful cookbook. Our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has 12 of the very best baking cookbooks for stress relief. Grab your whisk and let’s go!

best free live streams for kids, music exercise museums and more

The Best Free Live Streams to Help You Feel Connected

Much of the world is confined to home right now. Among the many challenges? Boredom and loneliness. A shrinking of the spirit and a sense of isolation. Perhaps even some fatigue from excessive time housemates and family members. What can be done? Two words, dear reader: live streaming. Our correspondent Abbie Martin Greenbaum has a curated a list of some of the best free live-streaming broadcasts for kids, music, concerts, museums, exercise, cooking, classes and self-improvement of all kinds. Did we mention that they’re all free? 

the best luxury lotion for dry hands right now

Frequent Hand Washing? You Need These Luxury Lotions

Are you washing your hands often and for a sufficient length of time? Yep, us too. Are your hands starting to become dry and scaly and painfully parched? Yep, ours too. Our ace correspondent Jillian Tangen has the key to comfort: these are the luxury lotions we need to counteract the drying effect of frequent hand washing in this age of COVID-19.

good deeds March 2020 health heroes coronavirus COVID-19 aid workers how to help coronavirus relief effort

Celebrating Good Deeds: the March Sparkler of the Month

Sparklers is a monthly series that highlights those spreading light in the world. We’re celebrating good deeds and those who choose to shine in March 2020.  This month we are recognizing the countless health heroes, both individuals and organizations, and the philanthropists helping to combat the global COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. And sharing information on how to help the coronavirus relief effort.

a calming music playlist for peace of mind

A Calming Playlist of Music to Boost Your Peace of Mind

“Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.” So wrote the British poet William Congreve. What do you listen to in times of stress to relax? As we all learn to cope with the uncertainty of living in the time of COVID-19, our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has developed a calming playlist of music to boost your peace of mind in stressful moments. Dim the lights, settle in, and press play here.