All posts tagged: SUSTAINABILITY

The 20 Best Luxury Nail Polish Colors for Halloween

The 20 Best Luxury Nail Polish Colors for Halloween

The year 2020 has been ghoulish – so what better holiday to go all in on than Halloween? And even if you don’t want to go big with an elaborate Halloween costume, you can join in the fun with a simple change of nail polish, and here’s how. Our intrepid correspondent Jillian Tangen has curated a list of 20 of the best luxury nail polish colors for Halloween 2020, including gothic black, vampire red, otherworldly orange and ghoulish green. And dear reader, they’re so pretty it’s scary.

The Best Ways to Grow Your Food in a New Victory Garden

The Best Ways to Grow Your Food in a New Victory Garden

One of the many old ideas that are suddenly new again in this coronavirus era is the home Victory Garden. Citizens grew them during World War II to support the war effort and boost the nutritional value of family meals during a time of rationing. Fast forward to 2020, and people are at it again. Are you up for growing your own sustainable vegetable or herb garden at home? If so, our correspondent Abbie Martin Greenbaum is sharing tips on the best ways to grow some of your own food – fresh vegetables and herbs – in a new COVID-19 Victory Garden at home right now. Spoiler alert: the modern Victory Garden is chic and stylish, and quite a lot of fun to grow.

what are the best new luxury fall face masks?

What are the Best New Fall Face Masks to Buy Right Now?

Here in autumn 2020, the most essential fall fashion element is a protective face mask. Happily, there are so many choices that you can easily find one to fit your mood, your aesthetic, and your budget. Soon, fashionistas will have an entire wardrobe of face masks. So, what are the best new fashion trends in face masks this fall? Our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has curated a list of the best luxury fall face masks to buy in fall 2020. 

What are the Best Chic "Nap Dresses" To Buy Right Now?

What are the Best Chic “Nap Dresses” To Buy Right Now?

What is a nap dress, and why should you hurry out and get one (or two)? A red-hot fashion trend during the coronavirus lockdown, the nap – or “house” dress – remained a key fashion element straight through the summer. As fall arrives, their chic, comfortable and cozy allure is only growing. So, what are the best stylish designer “nap dresses” or house dresses to buy right now? Our correspondent Jillian Tangen has curated a list of 15 of the best chic luxury nap dresses to buy right now.