All posts tagged: SISLEY PARIS

what is the best luxury sunscreen brand for every age right now?

What are the Best Luxury Sunscreens Right Now?

Before venturing out on our sunny day adventures, we have to talk sunscreen, dear reader. We all need it, all year ’round. The only question open for debate? Which luxury sun protection brand is going to give you the best experience possible? Meaning not greasy, or chalky, or with excessive fragrance. And which luxury sunscreen gives the best protection for those sweet precious days in the sun? Our correspondent Jillian Tangen has curated a list of the best luxury sunscreen brands to buy right now for every age.

Is your mirror as smart as you are?

Mirror, mirror, on the wall – you’re freaking us out because you seem to know all. It’s not a dream (or a nightmare) dear reader. Smart mirrors are now a Thing. In addition to reflecting back what they see, these new magic multi-tasking mirrors can double as lighting devices, entertainment systems, and even health trackers. Here are the retail stores and brands that allow you to experience this latest advance in luxury technology.