All posts tagged: RESTAURANTS

How to Celebrate a Luxurious Thanksgiving This Year

Don’t you just love Thanksgiving? The holiday is, for many people, one of the most-anticipated of the year. Special family foods and gatherings, a kitchen full of laughing amateur chefs (some not tall enough to see over the counters), the scent of a roasting turkey and stuffing, multi-faith church services, football, pumpkin pie with whipped cream, sandwiches made out of leftovers – what’s not to love? But can it be made into a luxury experience? And should it be? It all depends on how you define luxury, dear reader. Our far-flung correspondents are sharing their inside tips on how to make the holiday exactly what you want it to be.

Are Cheap French Fries Actually a Luxury Item?

In these stressful times, when it appears that a class war is going to erupt at any moment and swallow America whole, let’s take a moment to celebrate that great equalizer across the boundaries of economic class: McDonald’s. What’s that, you say? Rich people don’t eat at McDonald’s? Dear reader, you could not be more wrong.

What are the Best Luxury Restaurants in Oakland?

One thing you can count on in terms of the luxury class: elites love to be the first to discover the next new thing. There’s rarely a dinner party when someone is not describing his/her foray into some gritty place, replete with the requisite whiff of the unknown the air, in pursuit of the best meal, the rarest scotch, that jazz ensemble that you just have to hear live, the nightclub of your dreams. The luxury of exploration and discovery, and the attendant bragging rights, are one of the joys of being wealthy.