All posts tagged: PRADA

how to look chic on your college campus this fall

Summer holidays are over, and sadly, living in a uniform of sun dresses, cut offs and graphic tees won’t cut it for much longer. It’s time to look smart as you head back to campus. Sure, some of your fellow students will be living in sweatpants — athleisure is totally on-trend. But more and more, college chic requires more than just throwing on your cleanest dirty shirt.

the best luxury brands to wear to make a statement now

What are you trying to say with what you’re wearing right now? Is it possible to be both on-trend and on-message? Many of us view fashion as a strong and effective way to send a message to others: about who we are, what we value, and how we’re currently feeling about the world in general. Consciously or not, what we choose to wear every day signals a great deal to others – which is why it pays to put some thought into it. Done well, fashion helps us claim our space in the world; support what we are passionate about; or just inject some wit and color into a dark or dull situation. Our feeling is that you have to get dressed anyway – so why not make your attire work harder for you?

The Perfect Spring-Summer 2018 Luxury Handbags are Here

Here at Dandelion Chandelier, our phones have been blowing up for the past week with communiques about the new spring-summer 2018 merchandise that is already available for purchase. Begone, bomb cyclone! Away with you, polar vortex! The sub-zero temperatures, howling winds and snow drifts of January cannot keep warmer temperatures at bay forever. And as always, fashion leads the way, giving us the first harbingers of spring just when we desperately need them. Just looking at the new accessory collections has totally lifted our moods this week – the bags alone have us whistling a happy tune. Here’s a quick overview of what we’ve seen and what we love so far.