All posts tagged: POWER UP

best software and virtual assistant apps to help working from home

What are the Best Apps to Help with Working From Home?

During this time of social distancing and work-from-home, lots of us are finding it a struggle to import all of the structure and supports we rely on at the office to our homes. But fear not – there’s software out there to help with a myriad of issues around productivity and connectedness with work colleagues. Our correspondent Abbie Greenbaum has curated a list of the best software packages and apps that are like virtual assistants to improve your organization and productivity while working from home.

the best compact and portable equipment for a small space, including home gym, office or travel

The Best Luxury Workout Equipment for a Compact Space

Thanks to the need to stay safe and socially distant, lots of us are working out from home right now. However, if your home is somewhat small – or if your partner just isn’t that into a large set of workout equipment as a a core element of your home decor – fear not. There are a number of luxury compact and portable workout equipment options on the market right now that you can even use when we’re allowed to travel again. Our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has curated a list of the best luxury workout equipment for a compact space, including a home gym, an office space or for travel.

How to care for hair at home when the salon is closed

How to Care for Hair at Home When the Salon is Closed

In the hierarchy of pressing issues and concerns during this mandatory stay-at-home COVID-19 crisis, we get it. Hair care is not anywhere near the top of the list. However, at some point some of us find ourselves with a non-trivial delimma: is it possible to maintain a chic hair style without your favorite stylist? If you’re similarly afflicted with this Champagne Problem, our correspondent Jillian Tangen has help from an expert: tips from a salon owner about how to care for hair at home when the salon is closed. 

the best stand out statement necklaces right now

Stand Out in One of These New Chic Statement Necklaces

Even before this new normal that we’re all living in took hold, the fashion visionaries had decreed that the statement necklace was back. We’re not sure that it ever went away, but still. Fast forward, and now our top halves are the focal point for #WFH video conferences and virtual happy hours when we’re off duty. It’s a harmonic convergence! Just when we need them, right on time, here are the best new chic statement necklaces that also happen to look great on camera – so you can stand out, even in a crowded Zoom gallery.

perfect sylish accessories for home office decor right now

The Perfect Accessories Right Now for Home Office Decor

Lots of people are working from home for the first time right now. And facing a common delimma: how to decorate a home work space so that it looks professional, but doesn’t lose a sense of personality and the feeling that it’s . . . well, home. We’ve investigated, and here are the perfect accessories right now for stylish home office decor, including deskk accessories, lamps, mirrors, books, candles and more.