All posts tagged: POP MUSIC

protest songs playlist

What is the Best Playlist of Protest Music and Songs?

With the ongoing protests and marches for social justice unfolding across America and the world, we got to talking with our older relatives and our youthful friends and a lively debate ensued: what is the best playlist of protest music and songs? Music was integral to the civil rights movement and the anti-war protests of the 1960’s. What is the soundtrack of the current Black Lives Matter moment and movement? Our resident DJ Julie Chang Murphy has curated our list of the most popular protest songs from the civil rights era to the current day to fuel us and inspire us as we raise our voices and speak our truth. 

the best in entertainment and culture to watch this May 2020

The Best Entertainment and Culture to Watch in May 2020

What are the best entertainment and culture options to watch while social distancing in the month of May 2020? Our ace correspondent Jillian Tangen has curated a list of the best entertainment and culture offerings this month, including new movies, podcasts, television shows, culture events and live stream concerts to watch this May 2020.

the best entertainment to watch at home in April 2020

The Best April Entertainment Offerings to Watch at Home

In the world of arts, entertainment and culture, what are the best offerings to watch from home this month? With so many of us confined at home due to the COVID-19 coronavirus, artists and arts organizations of all kinds have adapted. Our ace correspondent Jillian Tangen has rounded up our top picks of the new movies, podcasts, television shows, Broadway shows, live stream concerts, and online museum exhibits – there’s an amazing number of entertainment offerings all over the world to watch at home in April 2020.