All posts tagged: PHILANTHROPY

inspiring quotes from the best commencement speeches of 2020

The Best Inspiring Commencement Speech Quotes of 2020

Some of the happiest moments of spring each year are at graduation ceremonies. We really love hearing the moving speeches that come along with them. While this year was a bit different because of COVID-19, the celebrity graduation speeches of 2020 still held inspiring messages and wonderful quotes.  Our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has compiled a list of inspiring quotes from the best commencement speeches of 2020.These are the words we’re taking to heart.

Chic Black Lives Matter graphic tees charity support

Smart Chic Tees Right Now to Support Black Lives Matter

Radical chic was once A Thing, and say what you will – when cultural change takes off in America, it’s often fueled in part by art, music and fashion. And so it is in our current moment – the protest marches for racial and social justice in every state in the nation have given birth to artistry of all kinds. Our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has a curated list of the smart, chic and soon-to-be iconic graphic tees available right now to support the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. Buying one of these BLM tees not only signals your commitment – it also helps provide vital financial resources to charity and organizations on the front line of the fight for racial justice.

how the fine dining restaurant world is responding to the coronavirus pandemic

How the Fine Dining World is Responding to the Pandemic

Our Food Editor Nicole Douillet always shares a monthly dispatch from the world of food and wine. In lieu of her usual update of news about new restaurants and star chefs, this month she’s sharing stories of the heroes within the world of fine dining who are responding with care and concern during this terrible COVID-19 pandemic. And she has suggestions on how we can all help save our favorite restaurants and bars.

good deeds March 2020 health heroes coronavirus COVID-19 aid workers how to help coronavirus relief effort

Celebrating Good Deeds: the March Sparkler of the Month

Sparklers is a monthly series that highlights those spreading light in the world. We’re celebrating good deeds and those who choose to shine in March 2020.  This month we are recognizing the countless health heroes, both individuals and organizations, and the philanthropists helping to combat the global COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. And sharing information on how to help the coronavirus relief effort.

CONNECT, BTS global public art sponsorship

CONNECT BTS is a Stunning Art Project You Have To See

Musicians and artists are natural allies, and every now and then something truly brilliant occurs when the two meet. A happy collision of that type is unfolding right now in 5 cities – and it has already resulted in some new world records. South Korean K-pop band BTS has provided funding for a global public art project – called CONNECT, BTS – on a truly impressive scale. Have a look at what the seven-member band is doing to bring something new and beautiful into the world.