All posts tagged: LUXURY TECHNOLOGY

insider tips on the equipment and what to know for a successful video conference from a home office

How to Master Video Conferencing from Home

In this era of #WFH, one of the biggest challenges facing many people is how to conduct a professional-caliber video conference from a home office. Especially when the entire family is working and attending school from home, and the “home office” might be a bedroom, a basement nook, or the kitchen table. What is there to know about successful videoconferencing from your home office, especially for really important business meetings? Fear not, dear reader! Our correspondent Julie Murphy Chang has curated some insider tips on how to master the art of video conferencing from home, including the equipment you need.

home office ergonomic equipment how to make an ergonomic home office right now

How to Make your Home Office Ergonomic Right Now

All of a sudden, lots of us are working from home. And many of us are ginning up “home offices” at the kitchen table, on the floor, on the sofa, in bed, and in whatever other space is available and not already taken by someone else in our households. Which is fine for a week or so. But since this new normal may last for several weeks, this arrangement could ultimately be a recipe for back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome and all kinds of other ailments. The solution? Maybe its time to invest now in ergonomic office equipment. Here’s how to make your home office ergonomic right now, with tips we’ve rounded up from the experts on the subject. The best ergonomic home office furniture, including desks, chairs, mouse pads, mouses and monitors.

the best home and personal video screens right now

What are The Best Video Screens Right Now?

You’re probably spending a lot more time watching entertainment and news programming and keeping up on social media from home than ever before. Is it time for you to level up your personal or home video viewing screens? Our ace correspondent (and mother of three young kids who are currently learning from home) Jillian Tangen has rounded up the best video screens on the market right now, both large and small: tablets, smart phones, VR sets, large-screen televisions and gaming consoles for an era of “Peak TV.” And for staying connected (and sane) while maintaining social distance.

best in luxury travel march

The Best in the World of Luxury Travel This March

The Dandelion Chandelier Luxury Travel Diary has the news headlines you need to know regarding new luxury hotel openings, new travel books, new luxury travel products, and new travel experiences in March 2020. For the full March 2020 Luxury Calendar, click here. And for our list of the top 10 luxury travel destinations in March, click here.