All posts tagged: LUXURY TECHNOLOGY

Three Ways to Make Pokemon Go Actually Luxurious

Unless you have been hiding underground or you’re on an extended beach vacation, surely by now you know that Pokémon Go is the new viral sensation sweeping the globe. Now available in most countries around the globe (with the exception of Saudi Arabia where it has been banned) the game, a mash-up of AR and Pokémon, has captured the imaginations of legions of users, and had some very interesting second-and third-order effects even in its first week post-launch. Players are clearly having great fun, but they’ve also been robbed, accused of trespassing, and scolded for making noise in the middle of the night.

Dandelion Chandelier: Guide to the Best in Luxury and Tech

Another blog . . . seriously? Is this what the world needs right now? I know what you’re thinking. We’re all drowning in information. It comes at us like water from a fire hose, unrelentingly, dawn to dusk and then some. We’re soaking wet and our shoes are ruined. Not to mention our hair. Well, think of me as your Frette towel in this deluge. Or, if you like, your Hermes umbrella. (Umbrella – still one of the best Rihanna songs EVER. But I digress.)

Four Ways Tech is Transforming Luxury

There are thousands of ways in which tech is having a significant impact on the luxury industry and on its consumers. As we mine this territory on Dandelion Chandelier, I’m going to organize our conversations around four significant ways in which the tech world has already changed the luxury business, and how it is likely to continue to do so.