All posts tagged: LUXURY HOTELS

the best luxury travel destinations for foodies this fall and Thanksgiving

The 7 Best Foodie Destinations for Thanksgiving This Year

What are you doing about Thanksgiving this year? 2020 has been . . . well . . .  trying (that would be a polite way to say REALLY SERIOUSLY AWFUL). And yet if we are lucky enough, we will still have the opportunity to share a meal with loved ones and focus on the things we are grateful for. But where? With the pandemic putting a damper on family Turkey Day gatherings this year, consider traveling solo or with your quarantine pod to these delicious, socially distant dining destinations. We’ve got the intel on where to travel for a luxury gourmet meal for Thanksgiving 2020. Our ace correspondent Jeanette Settembre has curated a list of the 7 best foodie destinations in America for the fall and Thanksgiving this year.

the best places for a luxury Halloween this year

The Best Places in the World for a Luxury Halloween

Halloween is one of the best holidays of the year, and it’s also becoming more popular as a time to take a mini-vacation. What’s the best luxury trip destination for Halloween? Looking for ideas on where to go for a luxury Halloween experience? If money is no object, and you can get away for a few days, here’s our list of the best places in the world to celebrate a glamorous, adrenaline-fueled luxury Halloween.

best travel destinations for Thanksgiving away from home

What are the Best Places to Celebrate Thanksgiving Away?

Where can you go if you’re looking for a luxury family vacation destination for Thanksgiving this year? Especially with all the travel restrictions that are likely to be in place in this COVID-19 era? Our correspondent Jillian Tangen has a curated list of the best places to celebrate Thanksgiving away from home this year in a safe and responsible way. As of this posting, all of these hotels and resorts are open and accepting reservations for Thanksgiving 2020.

The best luxury home rentals for vacation this fall.

What are the Best Luxury Fall Vacation Rentals This Year?

If you’re thinking of taking a vacation this fall – in this COVID-19 era – you may be looking exclusively for private rental properties with plenty of social distance from the neighbors. Whether you’re thinking of a cabin beside a lake or a rustic-chic cottage with a prime view of the autumn leaves, what are the best luxury vacation rentals available this fall? Our ace correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has curated  a list of 30 of the best luxury home vacation rentals to consider this fall. Whether it’s just your family, or you and your pod, here are a few ways to get out of Dodge and revel in the splendors of autumn safely this year.