All posts tagged: KIDS

the best pajamas for kids to wear all day

The Best Pajamas for Kids That Look Cute All Day Long

It is hard enough being a parent under a mandatory social distancing edit, with distance learning the norm for your little ones. Add the chore of getting everyone dressed for the day – which is hard even under normal circumstance – and you’ve got a recipe for maximum morning stress. The solution? Pajamas all day! Our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has the scoop on the best luxury pajama sets for kids  that will look cute and presentable all day long, and into the night.

the best movies to watch with mom for mother's day

What are the Best Movies to Watch for Mother’s Day?

Mother’s Day is approaching, and this year in particular we all have lots of time to hang out and watch movies that remind us of the deep (and often complex) relationships we have or had with our moms.  Our resident cinema expert and ace correspondent Abbie Martin Greenbaum has curated a list of the 12 best movies to watch on Mother’s Day if you want to host an impromptu film festival. Grab the tissues, and let’s go!

The Best Mommy and Me Designer Fashion Shoe Brands

What are the Best Mommy and Me Luxury Shoe Brands?

Lots of parents really love dressing up as “Mommy and Me” with their little ones – and why stop at apparel, when you can also wear matching shoes? Can matching adult and kids shoes be done with style, though?  Our correspondent (and mother of three) Julie Chang Murphy has the answer to this pressing question: what are the best  Mommy and Me luxury designer kids shoe fashion brands right now?

The Best Outdoor Play Equipment for a Chic Backyard Look

The Best Outdoor Play Equipment for a Chic Backyard Look

OK, parents and caregivers of the world, it’s time to get real. We love our little darlings, and we really want them to have safe and fun places to play in the backyard now that spring is here. But we also like to entertain (and someday we’ll be allowed to do that again!) So we kind of want outdoor play equipment that doesn’t wreck our design aesthetic. Do we really have to choose? Happily, in this arena we can have it both ways! Our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has curated a list of the best outdoor backyard play equipment brands that will provide hours of joy for your little people, and maintain a chic backyard look for you.