All posts tagged: KIDS

Could the Future of Luxury Retail Actually Be Fun?

We have seen the future of retail. And it’s fun. Literally. While old-line department stores and legacy brick and mortar retailers struggle to stay relevant and generate foot traffic, and launch somewhat far-fetched initiatives (we’re looking at you, Saks Fifth Avenue Wellery), on a trip to Martha’s Vineyard, we stumbled across a small retail location that points a clear path to the future for traditional retail. And it’s all about entertainment and fun.

Art Alert! Chihuly Now at the New York Botanical Garden

If you love gardens, sculpture, grace and beauty, head to the New York Botanical Garden on the next fine day that comes your way. Artist Dale Chihuly has installed site-specific glass sculptures there for the first time in ten years, and it’s definitely worth a visit. And we’re not just saying that because one of them bears a striking resemblance to a dandelion chandelier. Seriously, it may sound like hyperbole, but this particular exhibit is one of those don’t-miss events in the life of the city that will linger in your memory long after it’s gone.

Private Around-the-World Jet Trip Is the Latest Luxury

If money were no object, how would you choose to see the world? Would you do it “all in one go” on the luxury trip of a lifetime? Or would you spread it out over several years and multiple journeys, so that you could absorb and appreciate everything that you experienced? Would you travel with strangers? With just one other person? Or with 50 of your closest friends? It’s a champagne dilemma. And one that the uber-rich are increasingly faced with. Taking a Grand Tour of the civilized world was a cherished ritual of the wealthy in the 19th century – the trips lasted for months, sometimes years, and were an important facet of becoming a sophisticated adult in high society. Fast forward to today, when such a trip can be completed in a matter of days if you have the right budget. New York, London, Paris, St. Petersburg, Jaipur, Tokyo, Shanghai, and Sydney – if you’ve got a couple of weeks and lot of stamina, you can check all of these destinations and more …

At Yellowstone and Grand Teton, Perfectly Natural Luxury

Luxury lovers of the world, have you ever visited a national park in the United States? If you’re like us, the answer is likely to be no. Members of the global elite don’t tend to spend their vacations in public parks, perhaps because they still harbor childhood images of grizzly bears eating leftovers from campground trash containers, park rangers in funny hats, collapsing tents, outhouses and the antic cartoon goings-on at Jellystone Park, home of Yogi Bear and friends. We confess to being guilty of dismissing the national parks as “not for us.” Grand jeté, yes – Grand Teton, no. In the interest of research, however, a team from Dandelion Chandelier made an expedition to a national park for the first time ever while on a 4th of July holiday trip to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. We visited Yellowstone and Grand Teton, both of which are day trips from Amangani, the luxury hotel where we stayed. Turns out, this is an outstanding way to mark Independence Day. Or any day, really.