All posts tagged: KIDS

heritage and honor at the museum of the african diaspora

In a vibrant section of downtown San Francisco lies The Museum of the African Diaspora. It’s an outpost of the Smithsonian Museum dedicated the art and culture of people of African descent worldwide. Did you know that? Did you also know that just a few steps away there’s a magnificent fountain dedicated to the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.? We’re embarrassed to say that we didn’t. Until a recent visit to the city by the bay, during which we paid a visit to both of these wonderful places.

The Nordic Museum Seattle

True North at the New Nordic Museum in Seattle

There’s a new museum in Seattle to celebrate the history of the Nordic people. How does that history translate into a modern museum? We decided to investigate on a recent visit to Seattle. We’re happy to report that this museum is a must-see for everyone. It’s a gorgeous space, a fascinating history lesson, and a celebration of the core values that can unite us all.

The Best Ways To Upgrade Your Dorm Room Decor This Year

The new school year is underway: you’ve picked your classes, been to a tailgate and a football game or two, and maybe you’re even sporting some new fall wardrobe items.  But how are you feeling about your dorm room decor? If you’re like us, you bought or borrowed a bunch of used stuff from other students, friends, or family members. Which is totally fine. But if you’re feeling the need for an upgrade, fear not. It’s fine to live in a space for a couple of weeks, see what’s working for you (and your roommate), and then adjust. If you’re a few weeks into the semester and already ready to redecorate, we got you.