All posts tagged: KIDS

The happy luxury of the Nantucket Christmas Stroll

Sure, you could visit a glittering city like New York, London or Paris during the Christmas season. But sometimes its nice to dream of a different kind of Christmas. One near the sea, with old weathered clapboard buildings, and hand-decorated trees. One with nutcrackers of a different sort. One like Christmas on Nantucket. This small and special island off the coast of Massachusetts is best-known as a summer retreat. But those who love it also know about the annual Nantucket Christmas Stroll.

why do people love to ski and snowboard?

Why Do People Love to Ski and Snowboard?

With the official start of winter nearly here, and ski resorts all over the world opening for the season, this seems like a great moment to address a profound question in the sphere of winter wellness: why do people love to ski and snowboard? Said another way, why would anyone in their right mind voluntarily choose to don clunky heavy boots, several layers of clothing, a helmet, face mask  and googles, and then strap two sticks or an over-sized skate board to their feet and hurl themselves headlong down a mountain? Unless they were being pursued by a bear, or the Huns, or creating a YouTube video, really, what’s the point? Dear reader, we’re glad you asked. In our view, here are the top reasons that people love to ski and snowboard.