All posts tagged: HOW TO

what is the color that best captures the mood of April?

What is the Color that Perfectly Captures April?

Months tend to evoke certain colors and moods, at least in the parts of the world with four distinct seasons. Some are obvious, and some perhaps more subtle, or at least open to debate. What is the color of April? Dear reader, we think there are several ways to frame that question. Here are our thoughts on the color that best captures the mood of the month of April.

the best luxury lotion for dry hands right now

Frequent Hand Washing? You Need These Luxury Lotions

Are you washing your hands often and for a sufficient length of time? Yep, us too. Are your hands starting to become dry and scaly and painfully parched? Yep, ours too. Our ace correspondent Jillian Tangen has the key to comfort: these are the luxury lotions we need to counteract the drying effect of frequent hand washing in this age of COVID-19.

The best online academic programs and educational websites for at-home and distance learning for kids

The Best Online Academic Programs for At-Home Learning

One of the many worries in these frenzied times, along with elbow-shakes and stocking up on junk food and paper products is this one: how can you be sure that your kids stay on track academically when schools are closed? Is there help for parents whose kids are suddenly doing distance learning? Our correspondent (and mother of three) Julie Chang Murphy has answers. Here are some of the best online academic programs and educational websites for at-home learning right now.