All posts tagged: HOW TO

Escape Elegantly: Best Luxury Suitcases to Buy Right Now

There’s a great deal of change underway in the luxury luggage category right now. With year-end vacations looming and holiday shopping underway, we here at Dandelion Chandelier thought that this would be the perfect time to test-drive some roller bags, test the IQs of the latest round of “smart” suitcases, and help you make your great escape in style, whether you’re headed for the sand or for the snow.

Should I Be Giving My Boss A Holiday Gift This Year?

As part of the ongoing service we render to you, dear readers, from time to time we turn our attention to Thorny and Sensitive Questions We All Have.  We promise to work our personal networks relentlessly to get inside expert answers for you. And failing that, we’ll just tell you what we’d do. And hope that we don’t steer you wrong. First up: the rather pressing issue of holiday gift-giving at the office. Said another way: should I be giving my boss a holiday gift this year?

Black Diamond: Inside Guide to the Best Luxury Ski Gear

As you prepare for ski and snowboard season in the Northern Hemisphere, and plot your snow adventures for the next six months, we thought it was time for a round-up of what our luxury class friends will have in their backcountry backpacks and LV suitcases. A couple of our lucky friends regularly ski the world off-piste, and at least half of our pals will be spending the year-end break on the slopes at a luxury resort, so we got the inside skinny on what the jet set is loving right now (you might find some good holiday gift ideas here, too).

The Best Tropical Luxury Escapes this Holiday

Winter is coming, and it’s time to clear out of town, Team Sand. So many choices on where to go, and so little time. To help you make your great escape, we here at Dandelion Chandelier have talked to our luxury class friends who belong in the “never winter” camp, and who have the means to go wherever they choose in the world. Herewith is an overview of the places south of the border where the glamour crowd will be soaking up the sun to mark the end of the year. Depending on what kind of vacation you’re after, and who you’re bringing along, we hope one of these ideas will inspire you to start packing

Why You Should Have a Big Annual Party at your Home

‘Tis the day before Thanksgiving, and all through the house/mansion/chateau/penthouse/pied-a-terre/castle/villa, the denizens of Dandelion Chandelier world are in a frenzy. Some are packing franticly for themselves and two or more kids; others are welcoming waves of houseguests at a rate that threatens to become a tsunami; some are brining turkeys, or baking multiple pies. One is fuming at the airport because his flight just got cancelled.