All posts tagged: HOW TO

why should I learn how to talk about sports?

I don’t like sports, and I cringe when it comes up in conversation. I know I should try to get smarter about sports, but I don’t have time. I wouldn’t know how to get started even if I did want to learn the basics about sports. It’s not fair that I have to learn about sports, and the sports-bros at work don’t have to learn about fashion. Have you ever said or thought one or more of these things? Dear reader, we feel you. We’ve said or thought all of those things and more.

what you need to know about the 2018 MLB playoffs

At my house, October’s arrival means that all non-essential operations cease until the day after the last game of the World Series. That’s not how you roll? No worries. What follows is a refresher on the basics and three things you need to know in order to start or join any Major League Baseball playoff conversations this month. (Note: as of this writing, the start of the first playoff game is less than 12 hours away.)

what you need to know about NCAA college football

Other than prepping our sons and daughters for their first day, nothing says back to school/back to campus for us grown-ups like the start of the NCAA college football season. Here are five talking points you can use to participate in any Labor Day weekend social function (or at work this coming week) if college football becomes the topic of conversation:

What You Need to Know about NFL Football 2018-19

So here’s a fall dilemma that many of us face. No, it’s not which chunky sweater to wear, or which pair of cute boots to buy. Or where to hike or cycle this weekend, or whether we should try the Kiki Challenge. The dilemma is how to talk about NFL football with all the people in our lives who live for the start of the NFL season and who become utterly unintelligible when they start chattering about it. And some of them chatter about it a lot. Which can lead to side-eye, eye rolls, loud sighing, and all kinds of relationship problems at work and at home. Ugh. This is supposed to be the best time of the year! Why do they have to ruin it with sports?