All posts tagged: HOW TO

How to find household staff for a luxury home

How to Find the Best Household Staff for a Luxury Home

Wondering how to find the best household staff for a luxury home? About how many household staff members are needed for a properly-functioning mansion or estate? Need to know the best domestic staffing agencies? What about the other expert tips to know before you embark on finding your household staff? Our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has all the answers.   

how to re-sell luxury furniture

How to Re-Sell the Luxury Furniture You No Longer Need

Now that your spring cleaning is finally done, why not make some money? Your discarded “stuff” could be perfect for one of the best luxury home goods re-sale sites. You will, of course, also be contributing the growth of the circular economy and luxury sustainability efforts. Our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy is sharing the facts on how to re-sell luxury furniture, home decor and objects that you no longer need.

How to see the big baseball game in London this June

How to See the Big Baseball Game in London this June

Major League Baseball is coming to the UK this June for the first time ever. The New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox will play two games at London Stadium. The Yankees-Sox match-up in London is sure to be epic. It’s a perfect day out for kids and families, or sports fans of all ages. Are you in? Here’s how to see the big baseball game in London this June.

how do tarot cards work

luxury lessons: what you need to know about tarot cards

We’ve been exploring metaphysical trends here at Dandelion Chandelier- first crystals, then astrology and now, the mystical and mysterious tarot. Used for centuries by the very wealthy, they’re an intriguing element of luxury life. Not always spoken of, but frequently present in the lives of the elite. How do tarot cards work? Our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy shares what you need to know about tarot cards. 

can strong woman be likable

Can a Strong Woman ever be Deemed Likable?

Research shows that the more women succeed, the less likable they become. What is it about likability that absolutely seems to elude women leaders? And why does likability even matter? In fact, what does likability even mean? The new phrase summarizing the dilemma faced by women who already have or are seeking positions of authority is “the Likability Trap.” Name a senior woman leader in an important field of endeavor who is routinely described as likable. Anyone? Anybody? Can a strong woman ever be deemed likable?