Are Luxury Outdoor Pods the Best Way to Work From Home?

Are Luxury Outdoor Pods the Best Way to Work From Home?

The Tired of all the distractions while working at home? With no immediate change in sight, lots of people who are working from home are resorting to creative measures to improve their productivity for the long haul. One of the best ideas we’ve heard so far is building or buying a luxury outdoor office pod – a backyard oasis of peace and quiet for work. Our correspondent Jillian Tangen has curated a list of the best luxury outdoor work pods out there right now.

Is Green Desking rural coworking countryside the office of the future?

Is “Green Desking” the Perfect Workspace of the Future?

As waves of workers return from Labor Day to face an autumn of the New Normal, there’s an idea afloat that might make us all actually feel excited to head back to work: “green desking.” British Vogue reports that this is the Next New Thing in workspaces. And from what we can tell, it sounds pretty fantastic. Here’s everything you need to know about “green desking,” which is the concept of a shared rural coworking office space or workspace, located in the countryside instead of a big city.

best software and virtual assistant apps to help working from home

What are the Best Apps to Help with Working From Home?

During this time of social distancing and work-from-home, lots of us are finding it a struggle to import all of the structure and supports we rely on at the office to our homes. But fear not – there’s software out there to help with a myriad of issues around productivity and connectedness with work colleagues. Our correspondent Abbie Greenbaum has curated a list of the best software packages and apps that are like virtual assistants to improve your organization and productivity while working from home.

insider tips on the equipment and what to know for a successful video conference from a home office

How to Master Video Conferencing from Home

In this era of #WFH, one of the biggest challenges facing many people is how to conduct a professional-caliber video conference from a home office. Especially when the entire family is working and attending school from home, and the “home office” might be a bedroom, a basement nook, or the kitchen table. What is there to know about successful videoconferencing from your home office, especially for really important business meetings? Fear not, dear reader! Our correspondent Julie Murphy Chang has curated some insider tips on how to master the art of video conferencing from home, including the equipment you need.

Video conference fashion for boss women

The New Fashion Rules for a Chic Video Conference

Part of the new normal is Work From Home – #WFH. And of course, any monumental change of this type demands that we take a fresh look at our wardrobes, and how we present ourselves to the world, right? Among the many challenges that working boss women are facing right now is what fashion to wear when you’re doing a WFH video conference with work colleagues or clients. Here are some ideas and style inspiration on how to nail “waist-up fashion.”