All posts tagged: HOW TO

The best luxury Thanksgiving gifts for hosts

The Best Luxury Gift This Year for Your Thanksgiving Hosts

If you’re fortunate enough to be spending Thanksgiving at someone’s home this year – and not at your own – then it’s imperative that you show up on the big day with a wonderful host or hostess gift. Our ace correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has curated our luxury gift guide filled with ideas for what to bring as the best gifts for your Thanksgiving hosts this year. Arrive with one of these as a host or hostess gift, and they’ll be thankful to see you again next year!

Expert luxury floral artist tips on how to decorate with flowers this Thanksgiving.

How to Decorate Beautifully with Flowers for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is drawing near, and whether you’re hosting dinner on the big day at your home, or gathering everyone for a leftovers party the next day, or just decorating your nest for the season, using flowers to create a magical environment is an joyous rite of the Thanksgiving season. We have long relied on the same wonderfully talented floral artist to bring the Thanksgiving joy to our home. Now, our go-to luxury floral artist is sharing her expert tips and advice on how to best decorate your home and tabletop with fresh and dried flowers and other botanicals this Thanksgiving. 

Adopt 8 Pandemic Gift-Giving Rules for 2020 Holiday Joy

Adopt 9 Pandemic Gift-Giving Rules for 2020 Holiday Joy

It’s holiday gift-giving season, and this year is going to be unlike any other in modern memory. As challenging as 2020 has been so far, with coronavirus lockdowns, job losses, personal losses and protests against racial violence, really, seriously, who’s in the mood for holiday shopping? We feel you, dear reader. But do not despair. Our ace correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has done some research and she’s sharing 9 gift-giving rules (guidelines, really) about how to think about holiday 2020 shopping – and holiday joy – in the midst of a global pandemic. Adopt some or all of these pandemic gift-giving rules, and you may actually have a shot at generating some 2020 holiday joy.

The 20 Best Luxury Nail Polish Colors for Halloween

The 20 Best Luxury Nail Polish Colors for Halloween

The year 2020 has been ghoulish – so what better holiday to go all in on than Halloween? And even if you don’t want to go big with an elaborate Halloween costume, you can join in the fun with a simple change of nail polish, and here’s how. Our intrepid correspondent Jillian Tangen has curated a list of 20 of the best luxury nail polish colors for Halloween 2020, including gothic black, vampire red, otherworldly orange and ghoulish green. And dear reader, they’re so pretty it’s scary.

how to avoid weight gain and stay healthy during the holidays this year

The Best Tips on How to Stay Healthy During the Holidays

The holidays are coming, and you know what that means. Even in this era of social distancing and face masks, there can still be opportunities for lots of holiday fun. And lots of temptation in the realm of food and drink. If you’re looking for some expert advice on how to balance it all, read on. Our correspondent Jillian Tangen went right to the source, and she’s sharing the best expert tips from her personal trainer on how to avoid unwanted weight gain and resist temptation while enjoying yourself so that you and yours can stay healthy during the holidays this year.