All posts tagged: HOME DECOR

The Luxury Gift Guide: the best Unique Bespoke and Tailor-made

The Luxury Gift Guide: the best Bespoke this year

Looking for a knockout gift? Why not bestow a luxury customized one-of-a-kind gift precisely tailored to the personality, experiences and aesthetic of your recipient? Our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has developed a luxury gift guide of unique, bespoke, custom tailor-made presents. You’ll have the fun of knowing that no one else in the world has exactly the same item as your gift recipient. And they’ll know it, too. And that’s some serious luxury, dear reader. 

our guide to the best luxury gifts in favorite colors

Our Guide to the Best Luxury Gifts in Every Favorite Color

Sometimes the ultimate luxury gift comes in the color that our gift recipients love most. If someone on your list has a favorite color that they are seriously passionate about, one that perfectly captures their spirit, then read on. We’ve got ideas for colorful luxury holiday gifts and what to buy in our luxury gift guides in every favorite jewel-toned color: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. Of course, you might find a couple of things here that you want for yourself, too. That’s totally allowed. Enjoy the season!

What are the Best Luxury Scented Candles of the Fall?

What are the Best Luxury Scented Candles of the Fall?

Scent is one of the most powerful triggers of memory. Which is why each year we look forward to surrounding ourselves with the fragrance of fall. So, what is the true scent of the autumn? Apples, wood smoke, cinnamon, pumpkin spice? We went in search of luxurious scented candles that would fill our homes with the fragrance of fall. Our correspondent Jillian Tangen has curated a list of the best luxury scented candles with the fragrance of  pumpkins, campfires and apples for the fall season.