All posts tagged: HOME DECOR

key kitchen tools for comfort cooking from home

The Key Kitchen Tools Now for the Best Comfort Cooking

One of the many ways in which people are rallying and stepping up during the coronavirus pandemic is by upping their cooking game. But from novices to experienced home cooks, sometimes there are gaps to be filled in the kitchen arsenal. Our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has rounded up a list of the key kitchen tools we all need right now for the best comfort cooking from home, from pots and pans to bread, baking and ice cream equipment. Bon appetit!

coloring books for adults right now, including stunning and sophisticated books on fashion, travel, popular television shows, flowers, and interior design

Coloring to Calm with These Stunning Books for Adults

Along with baking, jigsaw puzzles, knitting, board games and quilting, the art of the beautiful coloring book is experiencing an even greater Renaissance during this era of stay-at-home and social distancing than it was before. Our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has curated a selection of the best calming coloring books for adults right now, including stunning and sophisticated books on fashion, travel, popular television shows, flowers, and interior design. Pencils ready?

insider tips on the equipment and what to know for a successful video conference from a home office

How to Master Video Conferencing from Home

In this era of #WFH, one of the biggest challenges facing many people is how to conduct a professional-caliber video conference from a home office. Especially when the entire family is working and attending school from home, and the “home office” might be a bedroom, a basement nook, or the kitchen table. What is there to know about successful videoconferencing from your home office, especially for really important business meetings? Fear not, dear reader! Our correspondent Julie Murphy Chang has curated some insider tips on how to master the art of video conferencing from home, including the equipment you need.

home office ergonomic equipment how to make an ergonomic home office right now

How to Make your Home Office Ergonomic Right Now

All of a sudden, lots of us are working from home. And many of us are ginning up “home offices” at the kitchen table, on the floor, on the sofa, in bed, and in whatever other space is available and not already taken by someone else in our households. Which is fine for a week or so. But since this new normal may last for several weeks, this arrangement could ultimately be a recipe for back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome and all kinds of other ailments. The solution? Maybe its time to invest now in ergonomic office equipment. Here’s how to make your home office ergonomic right now, with tips we’ve rounded up from the experts on the subject. The best ergonomic home office furniture, including desks, chairs, mouse pads, mouses and monitors.