All posts tagged: HOLIDAYS

The Best Luxury Holiday Cards This Season

The Best Luxury Holiday Cards This Season

It’s that time of year – time to start thinking about holiday cards. Our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy is sharing her guide to finding the best luxury holiday greeting cards to buy this Christmas season, whether you’re going online-only or traditional old school paper. Happy Holidays!

How to Take a Great Family Holiday Photo This Year

How to Take a Great Family Holiday Photo This Year

It’s that time of year: taking the best family photo for holiday cards and e-greetings. Ugh! Fear not, dear reader. Our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy, mother of three and experienced planner of holiday magic, breaks it all down for us. Here are her 10 expert tips on how to take a great family holiday photo this year. These tips should help you achieve the best Christmas and winter holiday family card photos ever.

The ultimate luxury gift guide for kids of all ages

The Ultimate Luxury Gift Guide: The Best Gifts for Kids

Shopping for a gift for the kids in your life can be among the toughest of tasks. Figuring out what’s age-appropriate, fun, and perhaps containing a wee bit of educational content is sometimes a Herculean task. And if it’s not your own child you’re shopping for, add an additional layer of complexity in figuring out whether Mom and Dad will love the gift as much as their offspring do. Not to worry, though. Our intrepid correspondent (and mother of three) Jillian Tangen is sharing the best luxury gifts for kids of all ages right now. It’s our ultimate luxury gift guide of over-the-top big ideas for babies, toddlers, big kids, tweens and teens. All parent-approved, of course.