All posts tagged: HIGH LOW

The best of dandelion chandelier: food and drink

And now we are two. Our second birthday here at Dandelion Chandelier is August 1, and to mark the occasion, we’re sharing some of the top-performing posts in our short history. And also some posts that we’re just really proud of, or that were especially fun to write (and we hope, to read). We’ll be focusing on one topic per day for the next seven days, as we count down to our big day. Join the party! Yesterday we covered Travel and Adventure. Next up? Food and Drink.

an electrifying beyonce video brings the louvre to life

Can’t believe we made it. This is what we’re thankful for. The sound you heard emanating from Paris yesterday was the sound of something dropping. A new music video from the Carters – aka Beyoncé and Jay-Z. But also jaws. And facades. Veils. And masks. Old ideas of beauty. Ancient concepts of privilege. Velvet ropes and restraints. Inhibitions and constraints. And without a doubt, the mic.

Low is the New High Luxury: The Rise of the Super SUV

As previously discussed here at Dandelion Chandelier, there’s a fascinating central tension inherent in luxury: it’s simultaneously ethereal and deeply-rooted; humble and haughty; high and low; dandelion and chandelier. Right now, Low is having a moment. And so we see the rise of the once-humble utilitarian sports vehicle to the luxury stratosphere: the Super SUV.

Low is the New High Luxury: Michelin-Starred Street Food

One of the reasons we love covering luxury here at Dandelion Chandelier is because the topic is so complex and the very definition of what luxury is eternally evolves. For example, our very name reflects one of luxury’s enduring inherent dualities: luxurious objects and experiences must be perceived as authentic and deeply rooted in the ground – but they must also soar high above our heads, just out of reach, generating desire and acquisitiveness in the hearts of those who behold them.