All posts tagged: HIGH LOW

luxury vintage sneakers contemporary art market

The New Luxury: Why Sneakers are Like Rare Works of Art

Low is the new high in the world of modern luxury, and much of the thanks (or derision) for this phenomenon goes to the humble sneaker. The sports and leisure shoe has morphed from a utilitarian and affordable item of footwear into a prized collectible worthy of the attention of a high-end auction house. Why are vintage sneakers now being treated like prized works in the contemporary art market? High auction houses like Sotheby’s and Christie’s are holding vintage Air Jordan luxury sneaker sales this summer, as athletic shoes are quickly becoming the hot new collectible item. Luxury sneaker as collectible art? Watch your back, watches. They’re coming for you.

The best quality mail-order artisanal gourmet ice cream brands in the world

What are the Best Gourmet Ice Cream Brands in the World?

What are the best quality gourmet ice cream brands in the world? Our correspondent Abbie Martin Greenbaum accepted the extremely difficult assignment of testing, tasting and curating a list of the best premium ice cream treats. Here are our top 10 recommended mail-order artisanal ice cream brands, with the best quality and variety of flavors right now. Spoons in the air, everybody!

what are the best luxury gourmet potato chip brands in the world to order by mail?

What are the Best Luxury Gourmet Potato Chip Brands?

Wait. Luxury potato chips are a Thing? Yes, dear reader. In the ongoing trend of once-lowly items being transformed into luxuries, behold another example. The best gourmet luxury potato chips (or crisps, as our friends across the pond like to call them) can cost $ per bag. Our correspondent Abbie Martin Greenbaum has the run down. Low is the new high: these are the 10 best luxury gourmet potato chip brands you can order by mail. Let the snacking commence!