All posts tagged: FOOD

The Best Ways to Grow Your Food in a New Victory Garden

The Best Ways to Grow Your Food in a New Victory Garden

One of the many old ideas that are suddenly new again in this coronavirus era is the home Victory Garden. Citizens grew them during World War II to support the war effort and boost the nutritional value of family meals during a time of rationing. Fast forward to 2020, and people are at it again. Are you up for growing your own sustainable vegetable or herb garden at home? If so, our correspondent Abbie Martin Greenbaum is sharing tips on the best ways to grow some of your own food – fresh vegetables and herbs – in a new COVID-19 Victory Garden at home right now. Spoiler alert: the modern Victory Garden is chic and stylish, and quite a lot of fun to grow.

How to Hire the Best Personal Chef for Your Home

How to Hire the Best Personal Chef for Your Home

With a winter of social distancing and limited access to restaurants looming, now might be a good moment to consider hiring a personal chef to prepare some or all of your meals in the coming months. But how do you go about hiring the perfect personal chef to fit your needs, budget and palate? Based on her own first-hand experience, our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy is sharing how to hire the best personal chef for your home. Along with a list of the best companies to help you find and hire a personal chef for regular meals  at home, or for a special occasion or party.