All posts tagged: FEBRUARY BOOKS

The best new books coming in February 2020.

What are the Best New Books Coming in February 2020?

New month, new books! Book Light is our Dandelion Chandelier curated list of the most-anticipated new book releases every month, and next up is February 2020. The perfect February read captures the high emotion and passions of the month. So what are the best new books to read coming in February 2020? Our intrepid team has been exploring and here’s what we found. 

Its the perfect time to devour fantastic books about food

So many books, so little time! Reading can be one of life’s sweetest luxuries. But how to quickly find the next great volume to dive into? To lend a hand, we’ll share our Dandelion Chandelier Recommended Reads: books that we’ve personally read and loved – some brand new, and some published long ago. Selected to suit the season or a particular theme, we think they deserve a place on your nightstand. Or your e-reader. In your backpack. Or your carry-on bag. You get the idea. As voracious readers, here at Dandelion Chandelier sometimes we inexplicably start craving a book about food. Particularly in the winter, we love curling up with a cookbook. We don’t spend all that much time in the kitchen – but reading a great recipe is like reading a well-told story. It’s transporting, and educational, and it leaves you feeling nourished. We also love reading novels set in restaurants. And chefs’ memoirs. And food histories. Pretty well anything that allows us to escape into the world of food and life in the kitchen.

What are the Best New Books Coming in February 2018?

New month, new books! Book Light is our Dandelion Chandelier curated list of the titles we’re most excited about for the coming month. February 2018 brings a wave of debuts and the return of some well-loved voices. Not surprisingly, the month that celebrates Black History in America and Valentine’s Day sees tales of race, love, struggle and anguish – and occasionally, hard-won triumph. There are stories of being lost, both physically and spiritually – and being found, including an artist’s curated volume of her own rediscovered works. There are quests for justice, for true love, and for personal improvement – and also a killer book of style, and a really healthy cookbook. Here’s our pick of the top new books – novels, essay collections, and non-fiction – that we cannot wait to read in February 2018. Stock up on bulbs for your reading light – with a list this good, we’re all going to be up late.