elite matchmakers

Luxury Love: The Best Elite Matchmaking Services

In the words of the inimitable Jane Austen: “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” Of course, these days it might a second or third spouse that said wealthy person is currently in search of. Whether it’s a first marriage or a third, though, how do rich people find someone to marry? In a two-part series, our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy breaks down the options members of the elite use to find a suitable fiancé. When money is no object, these are the best elite matchmaking services – it’s love, luxury style.

man making coffee at home

The Best Luxury Home Coffee Makers in the World

It’s a Golden Age of coffee, whether at home or away. But how do you get a truly great cup? We’ve shared the best places to get a cup of Joe in New York City. Now, our correspondent Abbie Martin Greenbaum turns her attention to how to make great coffee at home. Especially when money is no object. Here’s our list of the best luxury home coffee makers in the world right now. They’re expensive – but they’ll definitely get it right, every time.

The Best Places for Coffee in New York City Right Now

The already highly-caffeinated denizens of New York City have lately entered a Golden Age of Coffee. New roasters and artisanal brands have taken over the city (some of the best coffee in Manhattan is at the new Hudson Yards). Some coffee purveyors have erected enormous temples to a cup of Joe (yep, we’re looking at you, Starbucks). Others feel almost like science labs. Which ones are worth the trip? Our intrepid correspondent Abbie Martin Greenbaum has rounded up the best places for a cup of coffee in New York City right now.

How to Perfect your Makeup Routine in Just One Hour

Into every life comes that moment. You know the one. That morning when you look in the mirror and ask yourself: is it time for me to refresh my daily makeup routine? When that day arrives for you, dear reader, whether it’s because you have a job interview, a new beau, a birthday or just a change of season or of heart, what next? How do you navigate the beauty world without going batty? No worries. We have a simple solution for you. Here’s how to perfect your makeup routine in just one hour with a consultation.