How to gift a luxury bespoke suit from Huntsman Savile Row,

How to Gift a Huntsman Luxury Bespoke Menswear Suit

Where can you find a craftsman for a tailor-made luxury bespoke suit for men in New York? Why, at Huntsman Savile Row, of course! Our correspondent Jillian Tangen has experienced first-hand what it is like to order a Huntsman tailored suit for men.  Here is her story of the experience of gifting a bespoke custom Huntsman men’s suit in New York City.

what to know about the total solar eclipse December 2020 in south america

What You Need to Know About the December Solar Eclipse

Given how 2020 has been going so far, you’d be forgiven for wanting to escape Earth and see what residential celestial options might emerge elsewhere in the galaxy. But before you blast off (perhaps courtesy of SpaceX), consider hanging around until the total solar eclipse that’s happening this December in South America. ‘Cause it’s gonna be epic! Our correspondent Abbie Martin Greenbaum has the download on how, where, and when you can view the upcoming total solar eclipse in December 2020.

how to host a luxury movie night from a home theater

How to Host an Entertaining Luxury Movie Night at Home

Has movie night at home become a core part of your life in recent weeks? Yeah, us too. There are so many great options to watch at home that we almost don’t miss the fun of going out to a movie. If you want to keep this particular ritual going even after we’re free to roam, our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has expert tips on how to host an entertaining luxury movie night party, including the best electronics, food, seating and pillows for the perfect private home theater film festival.

Best most popular New Luxury Interior Paint Colors

What are the Most Popular Luxury Interior Paint Colors?

All of this enforced time at home thanks to social distancing requirements has made us itchy for a fresh new look. We don’t want to take on an epic remodel. But we’re seriously contemplating repainting a couple of rooms. You too?  Our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has curated a list of the most popular luxury interior paint colors, and how choose the one that’s best to refresh your home decor right now.