All posts tagged: COLORS

What is the Color that Perfectly Captures January?

Months tend to evoke certain colors and moods, at least in the parts of the world with four distinct seasons. Some are obvious, and some perhaps more subtle, or at least open to debate. We like letting the color palette of the month help us decide what to wear – so, what is the color of January? There are at least three ways to frame that question.

Our guide to the best luxury gifts in the color green this holiday season.

The Luxury Gift Guide: The Best in the Color Green

Looking for a stand-out luxury gift for someone who loves the color green? Our luxury gift guide to the best presents for those who love the color green has lots of ideas and inspiration. Our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has rounded up the most-wanted gifts in every shade of green. Dear reader, you’ve got the green light – it’s time to go get the perfect gift.