All posts tagged: ATTITUDE

what you need to know about socializing in the Hamptons

What You Need to Know About Socializing in the Hamptons

People speak of the iconic summer playground of the New York elite – “the Hamptons” – as if it were one destination with one vibe. But dear reader, that’s just not so. There are seven distinct social circles in the Hamptons, and they tend to convene in specific places. Here’s our guide to what you need to know about socializing in the Hamptons – ’cause once you understand that, the rest is easy.

Provocative Portraits Without People at the Whitney

A gallery within a larger exhibit at the Whitney Museum in New York two years ago has lingered in our minds ever since we saw it. It was entitled Portraits Without People, and we found it provocative. And profound. Because it raised an intriguing question: if someone wanted to capture your essential essence without showing any part of you, what would they paint (or photograph)? The books on your nightstand? Your running shoes? Your last Power Point presentation? What you ate this morning? Said another way: do our possessions define us? Are we what we buy? And if not, then what objects in our lives represent who we really are?

luxury lessons: what you need to know about astrology

Astrology has long been a luxury service. Rich people have relied on trusted astrologers pretty much since the dawn of time. Why? Dear reader, there are lots of reasons. In our ongoing quest to explore modern luxury, our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has collected insights, tips and recommendations on the use of astrology, especially among the wealthy. Who uses an astrologer and why? And how to find a reputable astrologer? Here’s what you need to know about astrology right now.

what you need to know about crystals

Luxury Lessons: What You Need to Know About Crystals

In our stressed-out times, one of the most precious luxuries is a calm and purposeful state of mind. To help us all get there and stay there, our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has developed a primer about how to use crystals in everyday life. Here’s our guide to what you need to know about crystals: what kinds there are, how to buy them, the best crystal-infused beauty products, and how to use crystals in your home. Get ready for the magic.