All posts tagged: ASTRO-TOURISM

what to know about the total solar eclipse December 2020 in south america

What You Need to Know About the December Solar Eclipse

Given how 2020 has been going so far, you’d be forgiven for wanting to escape Earth and see what residential celestial options might emerge elsewhere in the galaxy. But before you blast off (perhaps courtesy of SpaceX), consider hanging around until the total solar eclipse that’s happening this December in South America. ‘Cause it’s gonna be epic! Our correspondent Abbie Martin Greenbaum has the download on how, where, and when you can view the upcoming total solar eclipse in December 2020.

how did darkness become a luxury good?

Dark skies are a luxury experience. And dark sky astro-tourism is booming. It’s hard to remember it now, but the very idea of being able to go outdoors safely at night was once a luxury reserved for only the wealthiest people. Without the proper transportation and protection, the night was treacherous, even lethal. In such circumstances, light itself was a luxury item: expensive, rare, and granting freedom of movement for the elite, while others traveled in fear, if at all. Fast forward, and the situation is reversed. Darkness is now the scarce resource – truly dark skies are a experience. So how did darkness become a luxury good?