All posts tagged: APPETITE

How to Celebrate a Luxurious Thanksgiving This Year

Don’t you just love Thanksgiving? The holiday is, for many people, one of the most-anticipated of the year. Special family foods and gatherings, a kitchen full of laughing amateur chefs (some not tall enough to see over the counters), the scent of a roasting turkey and stuffing, multi-faith church services, football, pumpkin pie with whipped cream, sandwiches made out of leftovers – what’s not to love? But can it be made into a luxury experience? And should it be? It all depends on how you define luxury, dear reader. Our far-flung correspondents are sharing their inside tips on how to make the holiday exactly what you want it to be.

Are Cheap French Fries Actually a Luxury Item?

In these stressful times, when it appears that a class war is going to erupt at any moment and swallow America whole, let’s take a moment to celebrate that great equalizer across the boundaries of economic class: McDonald’s. What’s that, you say? Rich people don’t eat at McDonald’s? Dear reader, you could not be more wrong.