All posts tagged: ADVENTURE

what are the best luxury tennis resorts for kids?

School holiday breaks are almost here. Some will head out for a last chance to ski as a family. But If you have a little Serena Williams or a budding Roger Federer in your family – or if you’d like to – where are the best places to go for a family tennis vacation? The top luxury hotels for a tennis holiday can provide a family vacation that will be luxurious and entertaining for you and the rest of the family. And also provide your tennis prodigy with a few solid days of excellent tennis instruction. Here are our picks for the best luxury tennis resorts for kids.

the best luxury spring break vacation with kids

The Best 2020 Luxury Spring Break Vacations with Kids

Spring Break! Those iconic words once meant a carefree and crazy week in a warm location with your posse. But now that you’re a parent, it’s all about a family spring break vacation with the kids. Does that mean the fun is over? No way. In fact, the fun is just getting started. Where to go for the best luxury spring break vacation with kids in 2020? Our correspondent Jillian Tangen has found 10 of the best destinations for a luxury family vacation this year. We promise that they’ll be fun and restorative for everyone. Including you!

the best new luxury travel technology this year

The Best New Luxury Travel Technology This Year

What are the top trends in travel tech for 2020? After all, it’s a new year, which means new destinations. For some, that’s thrilling. For others, it’s a bit of a grind. Whether you’re on Team Go or Team Tired, the good news is that there’s new luxury travel technology this year that will make any journey just a bit more efficient. And more fun. Our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy breaks down the top trends and the best new luxury travel technology, including smart suitcases, sleep and sound tech, language translation and photography gadgets.