All posts tagged: ADVENTURE

How to have safe and fun family activities even during the covid pandemic.

How to Have Fun and Safe Family Adventures During COVID

With COVID-19 sadly resurging as winter arrives, lots of families are wondering what to do with kids right now that’s fun and safe, especially in the realm of the arts and culture. Whether its rediscovering the simple joys of the drive-in or taking a Thanksgiving weekend away, apple picking or pumpkin picking, there are more options than you might imagine for family fun. Our correspondent Abbie Martin Greenbaum has addressed the pressing issue of how to have fun and safe family adventures right now with a list of the best outdoor family activities for this COVID 19 pandemic era.

Astonishing Fall Adventures at the New York Botanical Garden. © Dandelion Chandelier.

Astonishing Fall Adventures at the New York Botanical Garden

Even in 2020, it’s still possible to experience the amazing beauty of the autumn season in New York, dear reader. This week we went in search of a forest ablaze with fall foliage, pumpkins and gourds and a bit of pre-Halloween spooky fun. And we found it all in the Bronx! Here’s our report on the astonishing fall adventures to be had right now at the New York Botanical Garden, including fall foliage and a display of pumpkins and kiku chrysanthemums. From now until mid-November, it’s the perfect place to revel in autumn joy.

the best luxury travel destinations for foodies this fall and Thanksgiving

The 7 Best Foodie Destinations for Thanksgiving This Year

What are you doing about Thanksgiving this year? 2020 has been . . . well . . .  trying (that would be a polite way to say REALLY SERIOUSLY AWFUL). And yet if we are lucky enough, we will still have the opportunity to share a meal with loved ones and focus on the things we are grateful for. But where? With the pandemic putting a damper on family Turkey Day gatherings this year, consider traveling solo or with your quarantine pod to these delicious, socially distant dining destinations. We’ve got the intel on where to travel for a luxury gourmet meal for Thanksgiving 2020. Our ace correspondent Jeanette Settembre has curated a list of the 7 best foodie destinations in America for the fall and Thanksgiving this year.

Where are the Best Drive-In Theaters to Visit Right Now?

Where are the Best Drive-In Theaters to Visit Right Now?

One of the silver linings of this New Normal in the era of the coronavirus pandemic is the return of the drive-in movie theater. Families, couples and film buffs alike have rediscovered the simple joys of the drive-in. So, where are the best drive-in theaters to visit right now? Our correspondent Abbie Martin Greenbaum has curated a list of the best drive-in movie theaters and outdoor film screenings to have on your list to visit right now, whether its for a family outing, a date night, or your own personal film festival.