All posts tagged: ABOUT US

What is the symbolic meaning of dandelions?

Why Every Year Should be the Year of the Dandelion

What is the true nature and symbolic meaning of dandelions? What do dandelions stand for, what do they represent? Given our name, we here at Dandelion Chandelier clearly have a vested interest in this matter. Our conclusion? With all due respect to the animals in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac, we think every year should be the Year of the Dandelion.

These Were the Most Popular Posts of the Year

Lots of publications share their lists of the Best of, the Most Read, the Most Emailed, and other superlatives at this time of year. We’re not exactly sure why. Is it because they want to be sure that if we missed something, we have a chance to go back and read it? Is it because the staff is on holiday, and round-up stories are really quick and easy to write? Or could it be that the process of analyzing and sharing the most popular topics of the year tells us a lot about ourselves – as a community, as a publication, as individuals?

Welcome to the New Dandelion Chandelier

Today we are one! It’s our first birthday here at Dandelion Chandelier, and it seemed like the perfect time to reflect and renew. We have had so much fun this year. We hope you have, too. We want to thank everyone who has been vital to our success: our Bureau Chiefs, the Style Editor, the Sports Desk, the Staff Photographer, the Head of Research, our generous advisers, and our friends and family, especially Darling Larry. We appreciate your advice, your encouragement, and your unfailing belief in us. We’ve learned from you and been inspired by you, and we feel lucky to have you on our team. Most of all, we want to thank you, dear readers. We know how busy you are and how many options you have for spending your precious free time. Thank you for choosing to spend some of it with us. We’ll keep doing our best to ensure that it’s time well spent. As we start a new year, we’ve reorganized a bit, and we’re proud to unveil the new Dandelion …