All posts filed under: Essays


how to win when you’re the only woman in the room

Why is it still so hard to succeed in business if you’re a woman? Could it be in part because so many senior executive women are the only woman in the room? We’re talking about board rooms, executive meeting rooms, even break rooms. In such situations, how is the only woman treated? And how can she thrive, succeed, have real impact, and even advance professionally when she’s the only one? Here’s my take on how to win when you’re the only woman in the room. Just a few practical tips on how women can succeed in business. And what men can and should do to drive the success of female executives.

How to earn trust (and how to know who can be trusted)

Work (and let’s face it, life) can be a minefield when it comes to relationships. One of the thorniest issues is how to earn trust – and how to know who can be trusted. For Power Up, our expert – executive coach Malvika Singh – shares her tips on building trusting relationships. She’s also got some practical advice on how to figure out who you can trust.