All posts filed under: Essays


How to Welcome the New Year 2020 on Social Media

How to Welcome the New Year 2020 on Social Media

New Year’s Eve is fast-approaching – are you ready? From where to go, to what to watch, to what to wear we’ve covered a number of pressing matters related to the big night. Now, though, comes one more possibly perplexing question: what’s the best way to mark the end of one year and the start of the next one on social media? Our correspondent Abbie Martin Greenbaum has the update on how to say goodbye to 2019 and welcome the new decade and new year 2020 on social media.

The luxury fashion brands in partnership with a game developer for virtual reality (VR) and gaming

Luxury Fashion Brands Get in the Game with VR and Video

The hottest new luxury collaboration? It’s not between a global luxury fashion brand and an artist. It’s a partnership between a global luxury fashion brand and a game developer. Our correspondent Jillian Tangen explores how and why traditional global luxury fashion brands are aggressively getting into virtual reality (VR) and video gaming.

luxury brands embrace new codes of masculinity and what it means to be a man

How Luxury Brands Are Embracing New Codes of Masculinity

As holiday gift-giving season rolls around, we’ve noticed that some leading global luxury brands are joining in the secular trend toward a much broader definition of what it means to be “masculine.” Here’s how traditional and new digitally-native luxury brands are responding to and sometimes embracing new codes of masculinity in luxury jewelry, makeup and handbags for men.

can strong woman be likable

Can a Strong Woman ever be Deemed Likable?

Research shows that the more women succeed, the less likable they become. What is it about likability that absolutely seems to elude women leaders? And why does likability even matter? In fact, what does likability even mean? The new phrase summarizing the dilemma faced by women who already have or are seeking positions of authority is “the Likability Trap.” Name a senior woman leader in an important field of endeavor who is routinely described as likable. Anyone? Anybody? Can a strong woman ever be deemed likable?

Provocative Portraits Without People at the Whitney

A gallery within a larger exhibit at the Whitney Museum in New York two years ago has lingered in our minds ever since we saw it. It was entitled Portraits Without People, and we found it provocative. And profound. Because it raised an intriguing question: if someone wanted to capture your essential essence without showing any part of you, what would they paint (or photograph)? The books on your nightstand? Your running shoes? Your last Power Point presentation? What you ate this morning? Said another way: do our possessions define us? Are we what we buy? And if not, then what objects in our lives represent who we really are?