All posts filed under: Critiques


Why Are So Many Billionaires in Love with Yachts?

In the annals of the super-rich, many paragraphs will be devoted to super yachts. Representing perhaps the height of privacy and luxury – and certainly the height of purchase price and ongoing expense – super- and mega-yachts are gigantic, gilded and gorgeous. They’re the ultimate status symbol: Steve Jobs had Venus, Roman Abramovich has the Eclipse, Paul Allen has the Octopus, and the Emir of Abu Dhabi reportedly has the Azzam (complete with its own submarine and missile defense system).

Premium Pigskin: How to Make a Football Game Luxurious

OK, I’ll confess it up front: I’m a very late convert to being a pro football fan. As a lifelong girly girl, I only started paying serious attention to the sport a few years ago. According to ESPN, about half of all Americans currently describe themselves as football fans. It’s the most popular sport in the country. Like the 17 million Americans who watch a game during an average fall weekend, I’m kind of hooked (compare that to only 11 million who watched the Emmys this year). And of course, like any recent convert to a new religion, I can’t stop proselytizing.