All posts filed under: Critiques


Stunning Orchid Show Highlights the Best of Thailand

The vibrant annual Orchid Show at New York’s Botanical Garden, now in its 15th year, is one of the many harbingers of spring in the city. This year’s theme is Thailand, and the exhibition doesn’t disappoint: it’s a riot of color, with rare and extraordinary specimens on display in an extensive greenhouse tour through the various climates in which orchids can thrive.

Art Alert! What We Saw and Loved at the Armory Show

The first weekend in March is a significant one for contemporary art in New York City, with a dozen art fairs happening all over town, plus new gallery openings and exclusive VIP parties. Dealers, collectors and curators from cities all over the world convene to celebrate the new and to conduct some serious business – it’s one of the busiest times of the year for the art world elite, and we, your intrepid Dandelion Chandelier correspondents, decided to plunge into the fray.

Premium Pucks: How to Make a Hockey Game Luxurious

Can ice hockey actually be a luxury experience? With Hockey Day in America having just been celebrated last Sunday, this query seems timely. We asked our Dandelion Chandelier Boston Bureau Chief to weigh in on this profound issue, as the common understanding of the sport doesn’t generally include the word “luxury.” Turns out, there is such a thing as haute ice.