All posts filed under: Critiques


Wardrobe Secrets: The Affordable Luxury Brands We Love 1

Get a bunch of people who love fashion in a room, and within minutes the subject will inevitably turn to which brands are hot and which ones are the current go-to’s that people actually wear and rely on to get them through the day. The Holy Grail for the fashion tribe is finding a consistent source of stylish, on-trend apparel that provides extremely high value for the money (‘cause staying on trend is not inexpensive). “Affordable luxury” is an oxymoron, and in many instances a pipe dream: real luxury is expensive for a reason, and trying to execute it on the cheap rarely works. But every now and then, someone nails it.

Why Not Indulge in the Luxury of Checking Your Bag?

Type-A people do not check bags when they fly. Ever. They brag about it, scheme around it, and sacrifice sartorial style on the road in the overriding interest of efficiency. They share tips about how to do it (one of our beloved Luminaries shared her tips on how to make it happen at my request). It’s one of the many justifications for taking a private jet. It’s a Thing if you are in the globe-trotting influencer elite.

F.Words: How to Look Obscenely Chic on the Go

What does the modern luxury consumer demand from a modern luxury brand? The ability to answer that question accurately is worth a great deal of money. I recently met an enterprising entrepreneur who may have nailed it. She may also have found that most elusive of Holy Grails: a pair of leggings that are actually flattering, chic and comfortable. Hallelujah!