All posts filed under: Critiques


luxury lessons: what you need to know about cigars

The ultimate symbol of luxury and accomplishment for some remains an expensive cigar, smoked with like-minded peers in a sumptuous environment, perhaps accompanied by a fine glass of whisky. Whether or not this meets your definition of bliss, chances are that someone you know is either living that life or wishes they could. To understand the lure  – and the vocabulary – of this classic luxury product, what do you need to know about cigars?

heritage and honor at the museum of the african diaspora

In a vibrant section of downtown San Francisco lies The Museum of the African Diaspora. It’s an outpost of the Smithsonian Museum dedicated the art and culture of people of African descent worldwide. Did you know that? Did you also know that just a few steps away there’s a magnificent fountain dedicated to the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.? We’re embarrassed to say that we didn’t. Until a recent visit to the city by the bay, during which we paid a visit to both of these wonderful places.

The Nordic Museum Seattle

True North at the New Nordic Museum in Seattle

There’s a new museum in Seattle to celebrate the history of the Nordic people. How does that history translate into a modern museum? We decided to investigate on a recent visit to Seattle. We’re happy to report that this museum is a must-see for everyone. It’s a gorgeous space, a fascinating history lesson, and a celebration of the core values that can unite us all.

richard serra sculpture sequence SF MoMA

the luxury of being lost in a Richard Serra sculpture

There’s real power in walking in circles. If you have any doubt, walk a labyrinth. Or do as we did, and head to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMoMA) and walk the Richard Serra sculpture, Sequence (on view until January 9, 2019). Its part of the free public access area of the museum, so this is another one of life’s great free luxuries. We promise, you’ll be moved.