Author: Vincent Thomas

ncaa collage football preview 2019

what you need to know about NCAA college football 2019

Back to school, back to college football. If you’re in search of the top headlines you should know heading into the new college football season, we’re here to help. We’re sharing four key talking points for the NCAA college football 2019 season. In our annual report, our ace correspondent Vincent Thomas is sharing our preview of what you need to know about NCAA college football 2019.

what you need to know about the 2018 MLB playoffs

At my house, October’s arrival means that all non-essential operations cease until the day after the last game of the World Series. That’s not how you roll? No worries. What follows is a refresher on the basics and three things you need to know in order to start or join any Major League Baseball playoff conversations this month. (Note: as of this writing, the start of the first playoff game is less than 12 hours away.)

what you need to know about NCAA college football

Other than prepping our sons and daughters for their first day, nothing says back to school/back to campus for us grown-ups like the start of the NCAA college football season. Here are five talking points you can use to participate in any Labor Day weekend social function (or at work this coming week) if college football becomes the topic of conversation: