Author: Julie Murphy

What are the best luxury travel vacations destinations out in nature for summer 2020?

The Best Luxury Vacations This Summer Out in Nature

After so much time indoors during the Great Lockdown, as we debate the ideal summer vacation for 2020, we keep coming back to the same idea: we want to get close to nature! But we still want to kick it luxury style when it comes to food and lodging. If you’re similarly inclined, our intrepid correspondent Julie Chang Murphy is breaking down the best destinations for a luxury vacation out in nature this summer 2020.

A fashion insider takes on the new NFL team uniforms

A Luxury Fashion Insider Takes on the New NFL Uniforms

Every year, a percentage of the NFL’s 32 teams redesign their uniforms. And then fans and the sports press weigh in on their stylishness. This year, we decided to join in the fun. Our ace fashion correspondent and luxury insider Julie Chang Murphy assesses the latest crop of new NFL team uniforms, and sees parallels with high fashion. No, seriously. She really does.

inspiring quotes from the best commencement speeches of 2020

The Best Inspiring Commencement Speech Quotes of 2020

Some of the happiest moments of spring each year are at graduation ceremonies. We really love hearing the moving speeches that come along with them. While this year was a bit different because of COVID-19, the celebrity graduation speeches of 2020 still held inspiring messages and wonderful quotes.  Our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has compiled a list of inspiring quotes from the best commencement speeches of 2020.These are the words we’re taking to heart.

The best cookbooks for summer food and entertaining, including grilling, vegetarian dishes and desserts.

What are the Best Cookbooks for Summer Entertaining?

Hosting outdoor parties and firing up the grill? If you’re in search of a few new dishes to add to your repertoire, we’ve got you. Whether it’s a new twist on an old time favorite or something completely new, these cookbooks have it covered. Our ace correspondent Julie Chang Murphy is sharing a list of 12 favorite cookbooks with some of the best food and road-tested recipes perfect for summer entertaining, including grilling, vegetarian dishes and desserts.

what are the best online learning classes for adults?

What are the Best Online Learning Classes for Adults?

Online schooling is not just for kids! One of the trends that emerged early in the coronavirus pandemic lockdown was adult learners seeking out ways to educate and enrich themselves while working and sheltering in place at home. It’s a phenomenon that seems to have staying power.  But what are the best online learning platforms for adults? Our correspondent Julie Chang Murphy has curated a list of the 10 best online learning classes, platforms and educational websites for adults, including art class, music instruction, academic lectures and more. Time to get smart, dear reader.