Month: October 2020

The Best Luxury 2020 Advent Calendars for Kids

The Best Luxury 2020 Advent Calendars for Kids

Part of the fun for any kid this holiday 2020 is all the Advent Calendars that have a little treat for every day from December 1-25. Whether you’re looking for chocolate, candy, toys, or playtime activities, there’s a luxury advent calendar out there to suit any kid for holiday 2020. Our correspondent Jillian Tangen has rounded up the 25 best luxury 2020 Advent Calendars for kids.

The best new expensive luxury holiday gifts for dogs and pet parents this year.

The Luxury Holiday Gift Guide: The Best Gifts for Dogs

What’s the best new luxury holiday gift for the dog (or pet parent) who seems to have everything? Whether you’re looking for the perfect luxury gift for your own dog, or for a dog-loving pet parent in your life, we’ve got you covered. In our luxury holiday gift guide of the best expensive gifts for dogs this year, we’re sharing over-the-top ideas on what to buy. Including stylish designer accessories. Fluffy spots to curl up and rest in. Tasty indulgences and extra-special picks that are truly one-of-a-kind. Any one of these is sure to generate some extra puppy love this holiday.

How to have safe and fun family activities even during the covid pandemic.

How to Have Fun and Safe Family Adventures During COVID

With COVID-19 sadly resurging as winter arrives, lots of families are wondering what to do with kids right now that’s fun and safe, especially in the realm of the arts and culture. Whether its rediscovering the simple joys of the drive-in or taking a Thanksgiving weekend away, apple picking or pumpkin picking, there are more options than you might imagine for family fun. Our correspondent Abbie Martin Greenbaum has addressed the pressing issue of how to have fun and safe family adventures right now with a list of the best outdoor family activities for this COVID 19 pandemic era.