The Gift Guide

Our Guide to the Best Luxury Gifts in Every Favorite Color

our guide to the best luxury gifts in favorite colors

Sometimes the ultimate luxury gift comes in the color that our gift recipients love most. If someone on your list has a favorite color that they are seriously passionate about, one that perfectly captures their spirit, then read on. We’ve got ideas for colorful luxury holiday gifts and what to buy in our luxury gift guides in every favorite jewel-toned color: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. Of course, you might find a couple of things here that you want for yourself, too. That’s totally allowed. Enjoy the season!

The Best Luxury Holiday Gifts in every favorite Color

1. Red

A luxury gift guide centered around the color red is a natural fit. Red brings the drama! It’s an intense and confident color that demands to be noticed. One of the most intriguing aspects about the color red is its complexity – it represents the most powerful human experiences and themes, covering the entire spectrum of emotions.

Our guide to the best luxury gifts in every favorite color this holiday season

Our guide to the best luxury gifts in every favorite color this holiday season: Red.

Every shade and meaning of red, though, is united by the feeling of excitement and energy that they illicit. The eyes widen. The pulse quickens. And cheeks flush. Just the type of reaction you want to provoke when your recipient opens your gift! So why not double down and gift something red? Here’s our luxury gift guide of all things red.

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2. Orange

The color orange just might be one of the juiciest, yummiest and happiest hues under the sun.  Orange radiates good health, optimism and sunshine. It’s fresh and sweet, but it can also have an undertone of bitterness for balance.

Our guide to the best luxury gifts in every favorite color this holiday season: Orange.

Ever better?  Orange is completely gender-neutral so anyone can rock it as long as they have the right attitude. For some it signifies high summer, with all of its freedom and adventure. For others, it’s the color of autumn – a time of renewed purpose and reflection.  It can signify Halloween fun and annual family feasts

And yet for all of that, orange is largely unencumbered by the weight of expectations. When people see it, they generally anticipate being delighted and surprised.  With orange, you can never be sure what will happen next, but it’s usually something good. This year more than ever, we need more orange in the world

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3. Yellow

Yellow is one of our all-time favorite colors. It’s bright, effervescent, and impossible to miss. It makes us feel completely happy and carefree. In 2009, when “mimosa” was Pantone’s color of the year, they said that yellow “exemplifies the warmth and nurturing quality of the sun.” 

Our guide to the best luxury gifts in every favorite color this holiday season

Our guide to the best luxury gifts in every favorite color this holiday season: Yellow.

If hope has a color, we think it’s yellow: the hue of the sun and newborn chicks and golden retrievers – of egg yolks and fresh-churned butter, of lemons and New York taxis. 

It stands for strength and purpose – think lions on the savanna. And of course, yellow is arguably the color of celebration: champagne and white wine; roses and honey; birthday cake! A yellow traffic light means there’s still time. It’s not too late. Here are our top picks for perfect luxury gifts in the color yellow this holiday season.

4. Green

The color green is significant for many cultures. In the Ming Dynasty, green symbolized the heavens. And the jade stone’s importance cannot be overstated as a reflection of Confucian values of wisdom, modesty and compassion. Some people sport jade bangles around their wrists as a means to provide safety and protection.

Our guide to the best luxury gifts in every favorite color this holiday season: Green.

In other cultures, it’s all about the lucky shamrock green. In Muslim countries, green is a holy color associated with paradise. And the green of the olive branch is of course, the traditional color to represent peace. What better hue for a gift for a precious loved one? Find our picks for the best luxury gifts in the color green this holiday are here.

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5. Blue

It has been reported that blue is the most popular color in the entire world. And for good reason. In a swarm of chaos, blue is calming, dependable, and easy on the eyes. It can take a day of stress and turn it into one of peace and tranquility. And certain shades of blue, like navy, look great on everyone.

Our guide to the best luxury gifts in every favorite color this holiday season: Blue.

Our guide to the best colorful luxury holiday gifts in every favorite color this season: Blue.

Of course, blue comes in a vast array of hues. And perhaps more than with any color, each one provokes an entirely different emotion. Light blue reminds us of springtime, while dark blue makes us feel like we are floating among the stars in outer space. From the sky to the sea, it is a color that is as deeply rooted in nature as it is in our dreams. Find our picks for the best luxury holiday gifts in the color blue here.

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6. Purple

What could be a more ideal choice for a gift than something in the color purple? It has so many layers of meaning that you can easily have fun with it.  After all, purple is the color of royalty, having once been a hue that only the upper class could afford.

Our guide to the best luxury gifts in every favorite color this holiday season

Our guide to the best colorful luxury gifts in every favorite color this holiday season: Purple.

Purple isn’t all prim and proper, though. It can be rather naughty, too.  Purple language is commonly understood to be profane, shocking, or at least a bit ribald.  It’s the color of the risqué and things that are a little bit wicked. It’s the color of wine, witches and Bacchus; of revelry, salaciousness and excess. It’s juicy and fruity and sexy and it smells wonderful.  One could say that it’s the perfect color for indulgence. And isn’t that the whole point of a luxury gift? See our guide to great luxury gifts in the jewel-toned color purple here.

The Best Luxury Holiday Gifts in Every Favorite Color

Those are our thoughts on what to buy luxury gifts in every favorite jewel-toned color. Go forth and gift, dear reader! And stay safe and healthy this season.

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