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What’s the Best Playlist for Halloween This Year?

best playlist for Halloween and October this year

What’s the best music playlist for Halloween this year? We think weird, wild and wacky is definitely the way to go. Dandelion Chandelier correspondent and resident DJ Julie Chang Murphy has created the best party playlist of music for the Halloween season. Find it on Spotify here. Press play. And get your supernatural on.

What’s the best playlist for Halloween this year?

In October, we embrace our dark sides and indulge our tastes for the wild, spooky and weird. Putting out centerpieces and mantle decorations with lumpy and bumpy gourds? Definitely strange.

Yelling at the TV, trying to control the outcome of the football game? So supernatural. And somehow, the oven is always turned on with an apple pie or pumpkin bread baking inside. Eerie! 

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As you’re shaking that cinnamon spice into the batter or sewing the finishing touches on a Halloween costume, take a listen to our spooky October playlist.

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Witches, voodoo and werewolves go bump in the night in our compilation of Classic Rock songs, key element of our Halloween party playlist.

best playlist for Halloween and October this year

Mysterious moons, strangers and sinful themes creep into the New Wave and R&B selections. It’s all designed to get you in a wickedly fun mood.

the best playlist for Halloween and October this year

There are some iconic Halloween classics here (we’re looking at you, Thriller). And some ear-worms that get under your skin and just won’t leave, whether you want them to or not (yep, that would be you, Witchy Woman). Personally, call us crazy, but we love us some Fleetwood Mac, and Gypsy is a song we can listen to on endless repeat. Especially in October.

the best music for a Halloween party

Whatever your pleasure, dim the lights, lock the doors and click the link below for the Dandelion Chandelier Halloween Playlist! It’s on.


That’s it – our suggestions on the best playlist with the perfect music for the Halloween festivities. Did we miss any of your favorites? 

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Crediting her training as a cultural anthropologist at Wellesley College, Julie has immersed herself in various industries in the last 15 years including fashion design, event planning, fitness and even investigating police misconduct. Julie lives in NYC where she loves trying every ramen and dumpling restaurant with her husband and three children. She finds joy in bold prints, biographies of fierce women, kickboxing and spending way too long finding the perfect polish color to express her mood.

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